About Us

Aloha, and welcome to Hawai’i Handweavers’ Hui (HHH), a 501(c)3 membership based organization founded in 1953 to promote handweaving in our community.  We are a statewide organization with branches on Oʻahu and the Hawaiʻi Island serving 170+ members. Activities include workshops, membership meetings, community demonstrations, sales, and classes in weaving and fiber art offered at our new home in Honolulu, the Downtown Art Center. In the pursuit of excellence, we also organize a juried biennial exhibition and an annual scholarship given to a new weaver. Through ongoing mentorship to new weavers and spinners, we perpetuate the joy of our craft. 

Weaving Studio at Downtown Art Center

Weaving has transitioned over the last century from a common everyday activity into a contemporary craft and art form.  In many ways, the processes have remained the same throughout history, but today the product, whether functional or not, is inherently a personal statement.  As a group, or hui, we embrace our varied personal efforts while encouraging both excellence and creativity. Our work is reflective of our member-artisans, whether island grown or from far-flung locations, who represent diverse walks of life and all levels of expertise. Enveloped in fellowship and encouragement, we are inspired to learn from each other; and pooled knowledge spurs creativity and understanding. We are weavers, spinners, dyers, artists and educators who share a passion for fiber. Join Us!

Our mission is to encourage and promote excellence in handweaving by bringing together weavers, spinners, dyers, fiber artists, and educators who share the joy and passion of the fiber arts.

HHH History 2023.pdf

Copyright 2024 - Hawaiʻi Handweavers' Hui - All Rights Reserved





Oʻahu, Maui and Hawaiʻi Island


Address:  MAP

Hawaiʻi Handweavers' Hui, 

Downtown Art Center,

1041 Nuuanu Ave, Second Floor,

Honolulu, HI 96817




Hawaiʻi Handweavers' Hui is a founding member of the Downtown Art Center.  www.downtownarthi.org

Hawaiʻi Handweavers' Hui is supported in part by the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts.

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